jinsungpsu: educator, tinkerer, problem solver
Psych243, sp09, Traditional View of Learning
FLV to Animated GIF conversion The original FLV was 1.5MB and was a very simple animation with no audio. It was produced with “Moyea Software” program. At some point, the FLV player wrapper got lost and we got complaints that it wasn’t working, so we decided to convert it to the simplest technology that will…
Psych 256, sp09, Short Term Memory, v. 0.1
ID: Julie Laubach Concept: Jin Sung An and Brian Strauss Programmer/Designer: Jin Sung An Version: 0.1 (proof of concept, draft) Design Justification: The boxes were re-positioned so that the reader/student would start at the “Central Executive” box when reading up/down OR left/right. Some design cues/graphics are re-used from other animations in the same course for…
Psych256, sp09, Memory v. 0.1
ID: Julie Laubach Designer/Programmer: Jin Sung An Version: 0.1, Draft/Proof-of-concept Original graphic:
Psych256, sp09, Visual v. 0.1
ID: Julie Laubach Programmer/Designer: Jin Sung An Graphic contributions: Brian Strauss Draft/proof of concept Original graphic:
Psych441 sp09, The Stress Response v. 0.1
ID: Dong Li Programmer/Designer: Jin Sung An Version: 0.1 Proof of concept/Draft Flash CS3, AS3
4 Layers of Diversity
100% height in most browsers
http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/938 /* commented backslash hack \*/ html, body{height:100%;} /* end hack */ html,body {margin:0;padding:0} #outer{min-height:100%;height:auto;background:#ffffcc} * html #outer{height:100%;}/* ie6 and under*/
Indenting the second line in HTML/CSS
http://codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=75685 This is a quick, elegant, simple way to indent the second line of an HTML element using CSS. The relevant code is basically: [some element] { padding-left: 1em; text-indent: -1em; } You can use it to manipulate most html elements.
Using XYStudio’s EasyCapture for PC
Documentation: Microsoft Equations 3.0 and XYStudio’s EasyCapture
Download link for XYStudio EasyCapture:http://www.xydownload.com/easycapture/ The challenge was getting the Microsoft Equation 3.0 in Microsoft Word (1997-2003 .doc) files into HTML (Dreamweaver). In the Mac Platform, there is a right-click, save as image option. However, in the PC World, there wasn’t such an option available. After talking to a few instructional designers, it seemed that…