Tag: documentation
Using XYStudio’s EasyCapture for PC
Documentation: Microsoft Equations 3.0 and XYStudio’s EasyCapture
Download link for XYStudio EasyCapture:http://www.xydownload.com/easycapture/ The challenge was getting the Microsoft Equation 3.0 in Microsoft Word (1997-2003 .doc) files into HTML (Dreamweaver). In the Mac Platform, there is a right-click, save as image option. However, in the PC World, there wasn’t such an option available. After talking to a few instructional designers, it seemed that…
Spanish 3, Fall 2008
Original Graphics/Programming: Dean Blackstock Instructional Designers: Juan Xia, Wenyi Ho New Graphics/Programming: Jin Sung An The files that need to be there for changes: (For lesson 1) L1/index.html * (Only change the <title> tag) L1/interface.swf L1/scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js L1/core_files/background/background.swf (the interface will match the background directory name to the proper background) L1/core_files/background/background1.swf L1/core_files/background/background2.swf L1/core_files/background/background3.swf L1/core_files/background/background4.swf L1/core_files/background/background5.swf L1/core_files/learningLog.swf…