Education Technology Services (June 2005 – June 2006)

Podcasting Pilot

First centralized podcasting service offered at Penn State. Wrote content for website (

Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology

A conference held on April 8, 2006 @ UP. Created and maintained website ( and


Survey software Researching commercial survey software to conduct surveys in TLT.

Multimedia Teaching Object

3-D Astronomical Coordinate Systems. Modeled rotations between Terrestrial Coordinate to Local Coordinate systems using the virtual reality modeling language VRML 2.0.


Installation and documentation of survey software for ITS (Robin Anderson)

iStudy: e-Portfolio

Created 3 fictional e-Portfolio’s to be used as examples.

iStudy: Diversity Survey

Created a survey using PHP and PERL to assess “how diverse are you?”


Created non-functional mockups using html and css.


Provided programming support (xhtml & css) and created flyers/advertisements using inDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator.

TLT Web Site

Brought site up to AD54, section 508, and w3c standards. Re-desgined suggestions pages. Maintenance. Added invisible counter. Etc.

ETS Web Site

Created basic mockup.

ITS Event

Designed poster for one of the tables.

Web Traffic Statistics

Analyzed traffic from web logs. Created reports summarizing incoming traffic behavior.


  • Joined Weblion group to help development and explore possible TLT involvement
  • CMS Specifications Document Created specifications document for WebLion group (for Zope and Plone).



