Category: Professional Development

  • Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 5. Revamping the logic/design

    This is part 5 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. This update is mostly about the code structure and design decision about the calculator and its behavior. Technical lessons learned: Adding variable values in the middle of the string is so much easier using the following format – “blah blah blah and I am going…

  • Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 4. Autolayout

    This is part 4 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress: UI elements will be evenly distributed on any size screen and orientation. Lessons learned: Autolayout is a wonderful thing and Apple does their best to help developers who would prefer to develop using the GUI rather than code, but, if you don’t understand the underlying…

  • Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 3. IBOutlet and button touch highlighting

    This is part 3 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress Working on UIX (visual cue that a button has been touched) Lessons learned: Yes – there is only one item on this update.  Adding a state change when a button is touched sent me down a long rabbit hole I did not expect would…

  • Learning Swfit: Calculator App, part 2. Case, Auto Layout, Variable types

    This is part 2 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress: +, -, x operations are now functional decimals also work Lessons learned: It’s easy to get caught up on a new programming language and forget to use universal concepts of programming that would have made my life a lot easier In my haste (and…

  • Adobe Max 2010

    Overall impressions: This year marks the second year Adobe Max was held in Los Angeles, CA. This was my third Adobe Max. Every year, personally, I’ve had extremely different take-aways; however, the main thing that seems to stand out is multiscreen/mobile development.  Next year, Max will also be in Los Angeles. Adobe is out to…

  • Wharton Web Symposium 2010

    The University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA July 21-22, 2010 Overall impressions and takeaways This was an extremely good conference. It was also much more relevant than other technology focused (instead of higher ed focused) conference. I initially went into it thinking it was going to be much like the Penn State Web Conference, but it…

  • Learning Design Summer Camp 2010

    Education Technology Services Teaching and Learning with Technology Penn State 7/14-15, 2010 Overall Impressions and Takeaways For the price (free), it’s hard to complain about a conference like this. It is well organized and well put together, however, sometimes it does feel like a “local” informal gathering. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with…

  • Web Conference 2010 Notes

    Penn State Web Conference 2010 Penn Stater Conference Center June 7-8, 2010 Overall Impressions and Takeaways I have been to the web conference since 2005 and I don’t ever regret going to it. Most of the sessions seem to fall under two categories (1. what’s going on at Penn State or 2. technology how…

  • My Adobe Max Agenda for 2009

    Session 1, 10/5 Learn how easy it is to build rich Internet applications with Flash Catalyst — no programming necessary. This session covers the fundamentals of Flash Catalyst, including importing a design, adding interactivity and motion, creating your own components from artwork, structuring your design, the basics of interactive video, and publishing your design as…

  • Unison, shared keys, crontab

    Learn something new every day… Summary: I’m using Unison from the University of Pennsylvania to do a two-way synchronization of some of my work files. I’m basically backing up my files from my work laptop and desktop. Shared Keys: (To set up shared keys… no password for ssh) Crontab: (Set up crontab to…