Category: Research
Macropad, Custom Keyboard Using Arduino/Seeeduino XIAO
Long story short, I have wandered far into the rabbit hole of custom and mechanical keyboards, and, while I really enjoy some of the compact keyboard layouts, I did find myself missing some of the extra keys in a full keyboard. Armed with a 3D printer and an old mechanical keyboard that I could cannibalize…
Code examples with js-beautify and code-prettify (auto indented with color coding)
I wanted a simple way to show java code samples in HTML pages. My workflow involves writing all my content using Google Docs and copying and pasting into an LMS (D2L). However, copy & paste rarely works as intended. Code, in particular, lost a lot of formatting – or at least, it was inconsistent. My…
JW Media Player Clickable Transcript
Context: This code controls the media player ( via javascript API.  The inspiration/idea came from Philip Hutchinson’s Easy Captions code ( which provides an incredibly elegant solution to captions/transcripts embedded as html (instead of being dynamically loaded). This code basically serves as a remote control to find a specific spot of a video or audio file…
Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 5. Revamping the logic/design
This is part 5 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. This update is mostly about the code structure and design decision about the calculator and its behavior. Technical lessons learned: Adding variable values in the middle of the string is so much easier using the following format – “blah blah blah and I am going…
Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 3. IBOutlet and button touch highlighting
This is part 3 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress Working on UIX (visual cue that a button has been touched) Lessons learned: Yes – there is only one item on this update. Â Adding a state change when a button is touched sent me down a long rabbit hole I did not expect would…
Learning Swfit: Calculator App, part 2. Case, Auto Layout, Variable types
This is part 2 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress: +, -, x operations are now functional decimals also work Lessons learned: It’s easy to get caught up on a new programming language and forget to use universal concepts of programming that would have made my life a lot easier In my haste (and…
Multicam editing in Premiere Pro CS6 and its many quirks
So we (World Campus Learning Design Multimedia Specialists: Brian Strauss, Pete Warren, and myself) went on a very interesting video shoot recently. This was for a psychology class modeling some simulated psychotherapy sessions; we were able to get students from the Penn State theater department to do an excellent job as patients and therapists. This…
Snap by Lectora Quick Review
I had a chance to play around with Snap by Lectora ( for a few hours. It is marketed as a e-Learning Software for PowerPoint presentations with a Roulette guide and strategy. Their main marketing strategy is presenting themselves as a low cost competitor to Articulate Studio ( and Adobe Presenter ( Since one of…
Threaded Comments in
This is OLD – from 2008, but, can support threaded comments. Just takes a bit of work – modify the template… just a little copy/paste.
Angel Notes to self
A way to link from an external page to the current Angel course and specific content within that course: A way to link to associated files within a course: $COURSE_PATH$_assoc/subdirectory/filename