Tag: IDD
OL 1000/2000
As part of my professional development, graduate coursework, and work responsibilities, I will be taking a very active role in the design and instruction of OL 1000 and 2000. These are Faculty Development courses taught in conjunction with Larry Ragan. Joy Jin Mao will also be part of the design process.
Raptivity: Timed Quiz
This object was created using Raptivity, a e-learning module tool. This was created as a proof-of-concept for ID&D. (swf)
10 Second text
Instructional Design Assistant: Linas Mockus Design/Programmer: Jin Sung An Course: HRER 802 su08 10 Second Text (swf) This is a very simple script that reads in an external text (easily editable). The user presses the “Start” button and the text will show for 10 seconds.
Table of percentages and feedback
Updated version at CRIMJ 450w, Racial Percentages, Version 2 Instructional Designer: Dong Li Design/Programmer: Jin Sung An Course: Crimj 450w su08 (swf)
INSYS 100 2.0
Original Designer: Karl Leitzel Original programmer: Nikki Massaro Kauffman Instructional Designer: Dong Li Programmer/Designer: Jin Sung An Design challenges: Fixed height/width design for a dynamically created page If there are too many pages, the left TOC gets too long and breaks the look and feel of the design Changes from version 1.0 (fa07) The content…
Second Life Research
Second Life Technology Team: Adam Spotts, Jin Sung An Penn State’s Second Life Involvement (PDF, 2.3MB) Second Life Technology Team updates (PDF, 87.9 KB)
Spanish 1/2 BLI project
This was a Blended Learning Initiative project Programmer: Jin Sung An Programmer/Graphic Designer: Dean Blackstock Graphic Designer: Karl Leitzel Instructional Designer: Wenyi Ho This was a very large effort by ETS and the Blended Learning Initiative for the Spanish programs. The “container” was largely designed by Dean Blackstock. It pulls in various components (mostly SWF)…
Child Development Museum swf
Originally developed and designed by ETS Lessons learned: Although I had to make relatively simple, minor changes, this took a long time to complete because it was a very complex project done by someone else. This project taught me how to systematically and logically look at other people’s actionscript and Flash projects.
SWF/XSL Table of contents
Instructional Designer; Dong Li Graphic Designer: Karl Leitzel Programmer: Jin Sung An Course: Edtec 561, 562 fa07 The content is easily editable using Microsoft Excel. This technology was chosen due to the faculty’s familiarity and expertise using the software. The underlying technology and programming is XML and Flash.
Insys 100 1.0
Original programmer: Nikki Massaro Kauffman Graphic Designer: Karl Leitzel Instructional Designer: Dong Li Course: INSYS 100 fa07 The innovation for this template was adding powerpoint slides to each invidividual content page and using SPRY to magnify and shrink the powerpoint without opening new files or windows. This template was created from scratch because it was…