Tag: Projects
Jar of Life – v. 0.2
BA321 Spring 2009 ID: Lynne Johnson Issues/Lessons: Use smaller images when starting the Flash Project – compressing each image (under Library -> Properties for each bitmap) was time consuming and did not yield the best results. I was still able to compress the swf down to 1.2MB from 4MB. The AS3 Garbage Collector is finicky…
Psych441 sp09, The Stress Response v. 0.1
ID: Dong Li Programmer/Designer: Jin Sung An Version: 0.1 Proof of concept/Draft Flash CS3, AS3
Jar of Life – ba321 mockup
Instructional designer: Lynne Johnson Graphics: Jin Sung An Others: Popularized by Stephen Covey, best existing example at http://www.aish.com/movies/JarofLife.asp Full mockup at https://jinsungpsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/ba321jar/Site/Jar_Mockup.html
Casino Services Trivia Game v2.0
People have been gambling in casinos for centuries. And this means that there are some fascinating facts and history behind gambling. We continue adding to this rich history by building bigger casinos, holding larger tournaments, and awarding bigger jackpots. If you like gambling games make sure you check more about 4d result singapore. That said, let’s…
Raptivity: Timed Quiz
This object was created using Raptivity, a e-learning module tool. This was created as a proof-of-concept for ID&D. (swf)
10 Second text
Instructional Design Assistant: Linas Mockus Design/Programmer: Jin Sung An Course: HRER 802 su08 10 Second Text (swf) This is a very simple script that reads in an external text (easily editable). The user presses the “Start” button and the text will show for 10 seconds.
Table of percentages and feedback
Updated version at CRIMJ 450w, Racial Percentages, Version 2 Instructional Designer: Dong Li Design/Programmer: Jin Sung An Course: Crimj 450w su08 (swf)
INSYS 100 2.0
Original Designer: Karl Leitzel Original programmer: Nikki Massaro Kauffman Instructional Designer: Dong Li Programmer/Designer: Jin Sung An Design challenges: Fixed height/width design for a dynamically created page If there are too many pages, the left TOC gets too long and breaks the look and feel of the design Changes from version 1.0 (fa07) The content…
Second Life Research
Second Life Technology Team: Adam Spotts, Jin Sung An Penn State’s Second Life Involvement (PDF, 2.3MB) Second Life Technology Team updates (PDF, 87.9 KB)
Spanish 1/2 BLI project
This was a Blended Learning Initiative project Programmer: Jin Sung An Programmer/Graphic Designer: Dean Blackstock Graphic Designer: Karl Leitzel Instructional Designer: Wenyi Ho This was a very large effort by ETS and the Blended Learning Initiative for the Spanish programs. The “container” was largely designed by Dean Blackstock. It pulls in various components (mostly SWF)…