Author: Jin Sung

  • “Spring Break” Coding Camp

    Are you a high schooler that wants to learn the basics of computer programming? Have you gone through block programming games like “Hour of Code” ( and wished you could do more “real” programming? Join me in a free online class next week (Monday 3/16 through Thursday 3/19) 8PM-9PM as we learn the basics…

  • Code examples with js-beautify and code-prettify (auto indented with color coding)

    I wanted a simple way to show java code samples in HTML pages. My workflow involves writing all my content using Google Docs and copying and pasting into an LMS (D2L). However, copy & paste rarely works as intended. Code, in particular, lost a lot of formatting – or at least, it was inconsistent. My…

  • Configuring Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Pro for ASM Assembly

    More detailed instructions coming soon.

  • Canvas Discussion Visual Separation

    (Note: you can click on the images to enlarge for better view) The Problem/Context: In the name of “design,” sometimes we choose form over function.  This is my first semester using Canvas for a Penn State World Campus course.  This also happens to be my last class, so I was both happy and annoyed at…

  • JW Media Player Clickable Transcript

    Context: This code controls the media player ( via javascript API.  The inspiration/idea came from Philip Hutchinson’s Easy Captions code ( which provides an incredibly elegant solution to captions/transcripts embedded as html (instead of being dynamically loaded). This code basically serves as a remote control to find a specific spot of a video or audio file…

  • Design Studio FA14 Final project and presentation, Swift Calculator

    The last few things tweaked in the calculator are mostly related to the logic of the calculator.  It is very, very streamlined compared to where I started.  It was a classic case of I spent about 10 hours to REDUCE the number of lines of code.  This is where the state diagram was worth its…

  • Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 5. Revamping the logic/design

    This is part 5 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. This update is mostly about the code structure and design decision about the calculator and its behavior. Technical lessons learned: Adding variable values in the middle of the string is so much easier using the following format – “blah blah blah and I am going…

  • Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 4. Autolayout

    This is part 4 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress: UI elements will be evenly distributed on any size screen and orientation. Lessons learned: Autolayout is a wonderful thing and Apple does their best to help developers who would prefer to develop using the GUI rather than code, but, if you don’t understand the underlying…

  • Learning Swift: Calculator App, part 3. IBOutlet and button touch highlighting

    This is part 3 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress Working on UIX (visual cue that a button has been touched) Lessons learned: Yes – there is only one item on this update.  Adding a state change when a button is touched sent me down a long rabbit hole I did not expect would…

  • Learning Swfit: Calculator App, part 2. Case, Auto Layout, Variable types

    This is part 2 of my Learning Swift Calculator App. Progress: +, -, x operations are now functional decimals also work Lessons learned: It’s easy to get caught up on a new programming language and forget to use universal concepts of programming that would have made my life a lot easier In my haste (and…